Series Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Series Jordi Savall

sun 29 nov 2020 16:00 hour

An educational programme featuring early music.

A series about and with the Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. Part two of the oratorio ‘Juditha triumphans devicta Holofernis barbarie’ of Antonio Vivaldi.

Antonio Vivaldi composed four oratorios. Only one has been preserved. It is a story about the Jewish biblical hero Judit who seduces the Assyrian warlord Holofernes, and – while he sleeps off after a generous meal – decapitates him. Title: ‘Juditha triumphans devicta Holofernis barbarie’.

This oratorio consists of two parts and in this episode, you will almost completely hear the second part. After this, you will hear the voice of bass Daniele Carnovich, who passed away this year, and who cooperated often with Savall’s ensembles.


Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1740)
1. From Juditha Triumphans devicta Holofernis barbarie:
– Récitatif (Holopherne, Judith): Belligerae meae sorti
– Aria (Judith): Transit aetas, volant anni
– Récitatif (Holopherne, Judith): Haec in crastinum Serva
– Aria (Holopherne): Noli, o cara, te adorantis
– Récitatif (Holopherne, Judith): Tibi dona salutis
– Choeur des soldats ivres: Plena nectare non mero
– Récitatif (Vagaus, Judith, Abra): Quae fortunata es tu
– Aria (Abra): Non ita reducem
– Récitatif (Abra): Jam pergo, postes claudo
– Recitativo accompagnato (Judith): Summe Astrorum Creator
– Aria (Judith): In somno profundo
– Recitativo accompagnato (Judith): Impii, indigni Tiranni
– Récitatif (Judith, Abra): Abra, Abra accipe munus
– Aria (Abra): Si fulgida per te
– Récitatif (Vagaus): Jam non procul ab axe
– Aria (Vagaus): Armatae face
– Récitatif (Ozias): Quam insolita luce
– Aria (Ozias): Gaude felix Bethulia laetare
– Recitativo accompagnato (Ozias): Ita decreto aeterno
– Choeur des Judéens: Salve invicta Juditha formosa

2. Dizen a mi que los amores he
3. Que farem del pobre Joan

Mateu Fletxa (1481-1553)
4. Teresica hermana

5. Estas noches à tan largas (aanvulling)
Montserrat Figueras, sopraan. E. Tiso, M. Aruabarrena, Carlos Mena, altus. Lambert Climent, Francesc Garrigosa, Jordi Ricart, Daniele Carnovich, bas. La Capella Reial de Catalunya conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD: El cançoner del Duc de Calabria, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Auvidis Astrée E8582)

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