#408. Independent sound art, radiophonic projects and other audio non-visual misunderstandings and findings.
1. Fresh Air by The Dublin Laptop Orchestra.
Fresh Air is a large-scale sound art piece curated and created by the Dublin Laptop Orchestra. The piece was written to address the sad truth that many common, household and automobile air-fresheners are heavily carcinogenic. The fact that people are willing to put their lives in danger in order to preserve nothing more than the aesthetic qualities of their world typifies the form over function attitude prevalent in our society and is something which we felt was important to deal with.
The work is in three sections, (1) Breathe In(side) by Brian Dillon, (2) Form by Gregory Jackson and (3) A Comparison of Worth by Bernhardt McKenna.
2. Wind Walk Radio by Karl-Heinz Jeron for reboot.fm
Wind Walk Radio by Karl-Heinz Jeron for reboot.fm, Berlin
ÒI give guided tours through wind parks to discover the versatile and interesting sounds. Some residents living near wind parks complain regularly about the noise. The philosopher Kant let a raucous cock end as a soup ingredient. John Cage suggested an alternative: ÒIf noise is bothering you, listen to it. Ó
This project is taking John Cage literally.
In a wind park the first acoustic impression is only a buzz or a hum tone. Listening closer one can identify a surprising array of sounds and acoustic colours. Ó
There will be tours in 2014 near Berlin. More information is available at wind (at) jeron.org