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Early Delights

A Sunday hour with early music goodies.

Delights from the olden days. Traditionally, the month of May is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ. We will continue this tradition on today’s programme. You will hear hymns and prayers addressed to Mary.


Henri du Mont (1610 – 1684)
1 Ave Regina caelorum
2 Quam pulchra es
Ensemble Correspondances led by Sébastien Daucé
(cd: O Mysterium – Motets & Élévations pour la Chapelle de Louis XIV. Harmonia Mundi HMC 902241, 2016)

Alfonso el Sabio (1221 – 1284)
From the ‘Cantigas de Santa María’:
3 Virgen Madre groriosa (CSM 340)
4 Des oge mais quer’ eu trobar (CSM 1)
Hana Blažíková, soprano, harp. Barbora Kabátková, soprano, harp, psaltery. Margit Übellacker, dulce melos. Martin Novák, percussion
(CD: Cantigas de Santa Maria. PHI LPH 017, 2015)

Bonifazio Graziani (1604 – 1664)
5 Salve Regina
6 Ave Maris Stella
Veronika Winter and Hanna Zumsande, soprano. Johannes Euler, countertenor. Mirko Ludwig, tenor. Ralf Grobe, bass. La Festa Musicale & Collegium Vocale Hannover led by Florian Lohmann
(CD: Bonifazio Graziani – Vespro della Beata Vergine. Arcantus arc 19016, 2019)

Josquin Desprez (1450 – 1521)
7 Ave Maria, gratia plena, virgo serena
8 Benedicta es caelorum Regina
Cantica Symphonia led by Giuseppe Maletto
(CD: Stabat Mater – Marian motets and instrumental songs. Glossa GCD P31909, 2020)

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644 – 1704)
From: Rosenkranz-sonatas (1674), sonata XIV “Mariae Himmelfahrt”
9 I Sonata
10 II Aria – gigue
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch, violin. Battalia
(CD: Rosenkranz-Sonaten. Ondine ODE 1243-2D, 2014)

Josquin Desprez
11 La Bernardina
Cantica Symphonia led by Giuseppe Maletto
(CD: Stabat mater – Marian motets and instrumental songs. Glossa GCD P31909, 2020)


Featured image: The Madonna with the Christ Child, by Pieter de Grebber (1632)

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