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An Ox on the Roof

sun 3 jan 2021 12:00 hour

An introduction to contemporary music in ordinary language.

An Ox on the Roof 22: the Ox during COVID-19 #9.

Today marks the twenty-second episode of An Ox on the Roof by Thea Derks, inspired by her book Een os op het dak: moderne muziek na 1900 in vogelvlucht. In December 2020 a second pressing was published.

In that same month, violinist and viola player Ig Henneman celebrated her 75th birthday. It should have been commemorated with a portrait concert in Amsterdam’s Orgelpark, but corona had other plans. The CD Solo Songs for Instruments, however, did get published. The CD features five new pieces inspired by poetry.

The American soprano also brought out a CD featuring modern music. There is a French repertoire on this CD, but it also features music by the Finnish/French Kaiji Saariaho. What are noteworthy are the seldomly heard songs by Claire Delbos, the first wife of Olivier Messiaen.

The Britten Jeugd Strijkorkest also closes off the year 2020 with a new CD, named after the Concert for strings by Nino Rota.

The American Molly Pease brought out the cantata Inner Astronomy, included are eight pieces for singing and string quartet with lyrics by her father. He wrote them when he was depressed because he attempted to quit his addiction. The magical texture of the voices causes every bad thought to go away irrevocably.

The first pressing of the Ox has completely sold out, but through the website, you’ll receive a copy of the second pressing.



1. Ig Henneman. Solo Song for Cello: As if.
Lidy Blijdorp, cello.

2a. Kaija Saariaho. a. Il pleut. b. Parfum de l’instant.
2b. Claire Delbos. a. Dors. b. Ai-je pu t’appeler de l’ombre.
Katherine Dain, soprano. Sam Armstrong, piano.

3. Nino Rota. Concerto per archi.
Britten Jeugd Strijkorkest conducted by Loes Visser.

4. Molly Pease. a. Higher Power [see photo]. b. My Son My One.
Singing quartet and string quartet conducted by Fahad Siadat.


Compiled by, presented by, and engineered by Thea Derks.


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