Genius Music Friends | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Genius Music Friends

tue 5 nov 2019 20:00 hrs

Episode XIX about the Genius Music Friends Haydn and Mozart features music which they played together at evenings, shortly before Haydn left for England. 

An uncommonly intense quintet including a compositional masterpiece in the minuet. By day, Mozart was reluctantly occupied in writing compositions for a musical clock with organ pipes. Fortunately, the fee made up for a lot. It is a miracle that such fantastic music has evolved from this assignment.


W.A.Mozart: part II, III en IV from the String Quartet in C minor. KV 406

Arthur Grumiaux c.s.


W.A.Mozart: Adagio and allegro in F minor. KV 594 (arrangement by W.Meyer)

Fodor Kwintet


W.A.Mozart: Phantasia in F minor. KV 608

Martin Haselbröck plays on the organ of the cathedral in Brixen


W.A.Mozart: Andante in F major. KV 616

Walter Klien, piano


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