Madge-point | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 28 apr 2019 10:00 hour

Master pianist Geoffrey Madge and Concertzender’s Louis Thörig share views on remarkable musicians past and present.

Episode 136: Wilhelm Kempff (1)


1. Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano sonata in F op. 54. Live recording of the BBC London of 1969.

2. Franz Schubert – Three Piano pieces D946. Live recording from London of 1969.

3. Franz Liszt –
a. from: Deux Légends: Saint François d’ Assise: La Prédication aux Oiseaux
b. Sonneto 123 del Petrarca and the Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa,
c. the last half of Années de Pélérinage Deuzième Année.

Wilhelm Kempff, piano.

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