Madge-point | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 31 jan 2021 10:00 hour

Master pianist Geoffrey Madge and Concertzender’s Louis Thörig share views on remarkable musicians past and present.

Beethoven’s sonatas

Listen to the programme Madge-point on on Sunday morning, January 31, from 10-11 am. This episode is a repeat from May 23, 2020. Thanks to the Corona Crisis, this programme was recorded without Louis Thorig, and it wasn’t recorded in Marco Wensveen’s studio but in Geoffrey own studio.

Episode 163. Part 2 in a series dedicated to Beethoven’s four piano sonatas. In this episode, we’ll take a look at Beethoven’s final two piano sonatas; Sonata in E major Opus 109 and Sonata in A-flat major Opus 110. They are performed by pianists Dame Myra Hess, Wilhelm Kempff and Edwin Fischer. We’ll compare different versions.


1. Sonata No. 30 in E major Opus 109. Beethoven.
Just the beginning performed by Myra Hess.

2. Sonata No. 30 in E major Opus 109. Beethoven.
Just the beginning performed by Wilhelm Kempff.

3. Sonata No. 30 in E major Opus 109. Beethoven.
The complete sonata performed by Myra Hess.

4. Sonata in A-flat major Opus 110. Beethoven.
The complete sonata performed by Edwin Fischer, recorded in 1938.

5. Sonata in G major Opus 79.
Performed by Myra Hess, recorded in the fifties.

Compiled by Geoffrey Madge
Technique: Marco Wensveen
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