Moanin’ The Blues
Playing five instruments more or less at the same time; is that a circus act or music? At any rate you don’t need any accompaniment. There are a couple of one-man bands to be found in blues. Probably the most famous one is Jesse Fuller, nicknamed ‘The Lone Cat’. In his music too he is completely alone and original.
1. Jesse Fuller. Leaving Menphis, Frisco bound. 5.10
2. Got a date at half past eight. 2.35
3. Hump in my back. 3.10
4. Flavor in my cream. 2.45
5. Cincinnati blues. 5.00
6. Just a closer walk with thee. 2.35
7. Motherless children. 3.00
8. Amazing grace. 1.45
9. Hark from the tomb. 3.10
10. Red river blues. 3.35
11. How long blues. 3.45
12. You can’t keep a good man down. 2.20
13. Key to the highway. 2-3/
14. Stranger blues. 4.45
15. Fables aren’t nothing but doggone lies. 3.00
16. Brownskin gal I got my eyes on you. 3.30