Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

Works by Joseph Haydn, Felix Mendelssohn, George Enescu, Dietrich Buxtehude, Domenico Scarlatti.

 Symphony no.61, in D. (00:00:40)

Joseph Haydn
Deens Radio Symphony Orkest olv Mogens Wöldike.

 Piano Trio ino. 2, in c, opus 66. (00:25:51)

Felix Mendelssohn
The Atlantic Trio: Bas Verheijden, piano. Vegard Nilsen, viool. Ansfried Plat, cello.

 First orchestral suite. (00:54:42)

George Enescu
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra olv Constantin Silvestri.

 Suite in d, BuxWV233 (01:22:59)

Dietrich Buxtehude
Simone Stella, clavecimbel.

 Suite in e, BuxWV235 (01:32:39)

Dietrich Buxtehude
Simone Stella, clavecimbel.

 Sonata in f, K 466 (andante moderato) (01:44:37)

Domenico Scarlatti
Lavinia Meijer (harp)

 Sonata K 29 in D, Presto. (01:50:39)

Domenico Scarlatti
Alexandre Tharaud, piano

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