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Nuove Musiche

In this hour, a new special CD with early music is featured.
This time, the CD London Love, with baroque music from London, by Ensemble Rossignol.

London Love, the recently released CD by Ensemble Rossignol (Alice Gort-Switynk, recorder and Elly van Munster, theorbe) carries a subtitle: Masters in the shade of Handel.
Foreign composers like Jean-Baptiste Loeillet and Franscesco Geminiani settled in London for varied amount of times in the hopes of making a name for themselves, but remained in the shadow of Handel.
Alternated with modern recorder solos by Axell D. Ruoff, this CD features recorder sonatas by Loeillet, Handel, Babell, an aria (on recorder and theorbe) by Geminiani and a prelude by Bach.
Click here to go to the Ensemble Rossignol website.
1. Jean Baptiste Loeillet (1688-c.1720).
Sonata V in C minor.
– Largo.
– Allegro.
– Largo.
– Giga (Allegro).
2. Axel D. Ruoff (geb.1957).
– Love story I (1990).
3. George Frideric Handel (1685-1759).
Sonata opus 1 no. 2 in G minor, HWV 360.
– Larghetto.
– Andante.
– Adagio.
– Presto.
4. William Babell (1689/90-1723).
Sonata II in C minor (London, c. 1725).
– Adagio.
– Allegro.
– Poco largo.
– Adagio.
– Allegro.
5. Axel D. Ruoff (geb.1957).
– Love story III.
6. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).
From Suite IV for Violoncello solo in E flat Major, BWV 1010:
7. Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762).
From Dioclesian by Henry Purcell:
– ‘What shall I do to show how much I love her’, in D minor.
– Subject, Cantabile.
– Allegro moderato.
– Allegro.
8. Axel D. Ruoff (geb.1957).
– Love story IV.
9. George Frideric Handel.
– Sonata opus 1 no. 9 in D minor, HWV 367a.
– Largo.
– Furioso.
– Adagio.
– Alla breve.
Alice Gort-Switynk, recorder and Elly van Munster, theorbe.
Label/number: Aliud ACD BH 050-2, 2010

Alice Gort-Switynk, recorder and Elly van Munster, theorbe during the Concertzender jubilee, 2008. (photography: Peter Koedoot)

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