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Nuove Musiche

fri 11 may 2012 14:00 hrs
Composer: Johannes Ciconia

In this hour, a new special CD with early music is featured. The double CD Opera Omnia contains the complete works of Johannes Ciconia, performed by Diabolus in Musica and La Morra. A selection from this.

Johannes Ciconia (ca.1370-1412)
Musique Profane:
1. Chi nel servir
2. Le ray au soleyl
3. Cacando un giorno
4. Per quella strada
5. Chi vole amar
6. Gli atti col dancar
7. Aler m’en veus
8. I cani sono fuora
9. Ligiadra donna
Contrafacta / Canon:
10. Regina gloriosa
11. O beatum incendium
12. Quod jactatur
La Morra olv. Corina Marti, recorder, clavicembalum & Michal Gondko, lute, gittern.
Motets et mouvements de messe:
13. Ut per te omnes celitus / Ingens alumnus Padue
14. Gloria spiritus et alme no. 6
15. O felix templum jubila
16. Gloria spiritus et alme no. 5
17. O Padua sidus preclarum
Diabolus in Musica led by Antoine Guerber
Label number: Ricercar RIC 316, 2011

Leaders of La Morra: Michal Gondko (l) and Corina Marti (r)

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