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Nuove Musiche

thu 1 may 2014 14:00 hour

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.
The Missa Paschalis by Heinrich Isaak and organ verses by Hans Buchner on a new CD by Cantus Modalis led by Rebecca Stewart.

Guillaume Dufay (1398-1474)
1. Ad cenam agni providi a 3 (Verse 1, 3, 5, 7 Intavolierung im Stil des Buxheimer Orgelbuch, verse 2, 4, 6 Vokal)
Heinrich Isaak (ca.1450-1517)
From Ad Missam in die Paschale:
2. Kyrie
3. Gloria
4. Graduale: Hec dies
5. Alleluia V. Pascha Nostrum
6. Sequenz Victime Paschali laudes a 4 (J. des Prez) / Prima Pars: Victime Paschali laudes, D’ung aultre amer / Secunda Pars: Dic nobis Maria, De tous biens plaine
7. Victime Paschali laudes (Fridolin Sicher, 1490-1546) / Orgelintavolierung der Motette von Josquin des Prez
8. Sanctus
9. Osterchoral: Christ ist erstanden
Cantus Modalis led by Rebecca Stewart. Martin Erhardt, gothic organ in Ostönnen
Label number: Ambitus 96 965, 2013

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