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Nuove Musiche

mon 6 feb 2017 18:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.

Two new CDs with early English music: Parthenia by harpsichordist Alina Rotaru and The Four Seasons by Sirius Viols.

William Byrd (ca.1540-1623)
1. Preludium [in C]
2. Pavana: Sir William Petre
3. Galiardo [Sir William Petre]
4. Galiardo: Mistress Mary Brownlo
5. Pavana: The Earl of Salisbury
6. Gallardo [The Early of Salisbury]
7. Gallardo Secundo [The Early of Salisbury]

John Bull (ca1562-1628)
8. Preludium [in G]
9. Pavana [in G]
10. Galiardo [to Pavana 12]
11. Galiardo [in D]

Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
12. The Lord of Salisbury his Pavin
13. Galiardo [The Earl of Salisbury]
14. The Queen’s Command
Alina Rotaru, German harpsichord (Thomas and Barbara Wolf, 1995)
(CD Parthenia – Alina Rotaru. Sono Luminus DSL-92208, 2016)


Christopher Simpson (ca.1605-1669)
15. From The Four Seasons: Spring
– I. Fancy
– II. Ayre
– III. Galliard
Sirius Viols: Hille Perl, Frauke Hess and Marthe Perl, viola da gamba. Lee Santana, cittern/theorbe. Johannes Gontarski, bandora/gitaar/cittern. Andreas Küppers, organ
(CD The Four Seasons – Sirius Viols. DHM 88875190982, 2016)

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