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Nuove Musiche

This hour features a new, special CD with Early Music. Music for the King in 17th century England on the CD ‘The New Old Albion’ by Il Caleidoscopio Ensemble and the art of the Madrigal in Italy in the 16th century on the CD ‘L’Arte del Madrigale’ by Voces Suaves.


William Lawes (1602-1645)
1. Harp Consort XI: Phantasy
2. Harp Consort IV: Aire, Aire, Corant, Saraband

John Playford (1623-1686)
3. Faronells division on a ground

Matthew Locke (1621 -1677)
4. Suite IV ‘for several friends’
– Pavan
– Almand
– Courante
– Ayre
– Saraband, Jigg

Il Caleidoscopio Ensemble (Noelia Reverte Reche, viola da gamba. Flora Papadopoulos, arpa doppia and Michele Pasotti, lute)
(CD The New Old Albion, Brilliant Classics 95274)


Giaches de Wert (1535-1596)
5. Sorgi e rischiara al tuo apparir il cielo
6. Vicino un chiaro e cristallino fonte

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-643)
7. Sfogava con le stelle
8. O come è gran martire

Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1545-1607)
9. I’ mi son giovinetta

Luca Marenzio (1553-1599)
10. Potrò viver io più

Voces Suaves (see highlighted image)
(CD L’Arte del Madrigale, Ambronay AMY 306)


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