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Nuove Musiche

mon 28 jan 2019 18:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. Two new CDs with music from François Couperin by Les Ombres, and from Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach by fortepiano player Mathieu Dupouy. 

François Couperin (1668-1733)
1. From: Leçons de Ténèbres pour le Mercredi saint
Seconde Leçon
– Vau
– Zain
– Heth
– Teth
– Jerusalem

2. From: Motets à voix seule, deux et trois parties, et symphonies
– Salvum me fac, Deus
– Infixus sum in limo profundi
– Labaoravi clamans
– Confortati sunt
– Deus tu scis insipientiam meam
– Non confundantur super me
– Exaudi me Domine
– Et ne avertas faciem tuam

Anne Magouët, soprano. Benoit Arnauld, bass. Les Ombres conducted by Margaux Blanchard and Sylvain Sartre
(CD Couperin – Leçons de Tenebres & Motets, Mirare MIR 358, 2018)

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
3. From: Clavier Sonaten und Freye Fantasien nebst einigen Rondo’s fürs Fortepiano für Kenner und Liebhaber, fifth collection: Wq 59 (1785)
– Rondo I (Andante un poco)
– Rondo II (Allegro)

4. Sonate Wq 65/48 (1783)
Andantino / Adagio e sostenuto / Allegro

Mathieu Dupouy, pianoforte Gräbner (1791)
(CD Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – Voyage sentimental, Label-Hérisson LH17, 2018)

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