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On Cloud Nine

Profane music from all parts of Europe. Musicá Temprana brings back the mood that preceded the year 1500 with the CD ‘Melancolía’. We hear the former ensemble Tragicomedia led by Stephen Stubbs, which existed until around 2004, with harpsichord and mandolin sonatas from the end of the seventeenth century.


Juan Ponce (ca. 1476-after 1520)
1 Allá se me ponga el sol

2 Muchos van de amor heridos

Moxica (fl. end of 15th century)
3 No queriendo sois querida

Pedro de Escobar (ca. 1465-after 1535)
4 Ojos morenicos

Juan Ponce:
5 Cómo está sola mi vida

Garci Sánchez de Badajoz (ca. 1460-after 1524)
6 O desdichado de mi

Johannes Urrede (fl. 1451-ca.1482)
7 Muy triste será mi vida

Música Temprana conducted by Adrián Rodriguez Van der Spoel
(CD Melancolía, PTC 5186 294, 2021)

Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
8 Sonata for mandolin and basso continuo, K.89 in D minor
-I Allegro
-II Grave
-III Allegro

Giovanni Battista Vitali (1632-1692)
9 Partite sopra diverse sonate:
– Passa galli per la lettera E
– Ciaconna per la lettera B

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
10 Variations for keyboard instrument “La follia”

Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710)
11 Sonata for 2 harpsichords no.1-14 (1704)
-I Allegro
-II Andante
-III Allegro

Carlo Arrigoni (1697-1744)
12 Sonata for mandolin and basso continuo
-I Arpeggio
-II Allegro
-III Adagio
-IV Allegro

Tragicomedia: Erin Headley, viola da gamba and lirone. Paul O’Dette, archlute, baroque guitar, and mandolin. Stephen Stubbs, baroque guitar and chitarrone. Alexander Weimann, harpsichord and organ
(CD Capritio, Instrumental Music from 17th century Italy. Harmonia Mundi, HMU 907294, 2001)

Thanks to Muziekweb.

In photo: Tragicomedia (source: The Rogovoy Report.com)

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