Orient Express | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Orient Express

sun 29 may 2016 00:00 hrs

Traditional classical music from Iran.

1. Dastgah-E Chahargah
Massoumeh Mehrali, vocals
Hossein Zeyfizadeh, vocals
Argang Zeyfidzadeh, zarb
Hassan Tabbar, santur
CD: Playa Sound PS 65216
Darius Talai.jpg
2. Seven pieces by Darius Talai on the tar and Madjid Khaladj on the tombak, this is a recording of a concert that was held in Utrecht on 30 August 1996.
CD: Al Sur ALCD 218
Amir Koushkani.jpg
3. Two compositions by Amir Koushkani, vocals and tar and Hoeman Purmehdi, tambak and daff.
CD. Songlines SGL 2402 2

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