Christian songs from the East.
Religious and secular music traditions are often tied to each other. On 6 and 7 Januari, it is Christmas in all Eastern churches, so it is the opportunity to have a look into their rich traditions. We will be listening to examples of music and vocals of various Syrian, Libanese and Egyptian-Coptic churches.
1. Syrian-orthodox church songs: early recordings of among others Bishop Muti El-Morr (Tripoli, Lebanon 1881-1969), Samuel David (Daoud) leads on the kanun. And Coptic-orthodox church songs of among others the David Ensemble (High Institute of Gotic Studies Kairo, Egypte) 38:00
2. Syrian-orthodox church songs- Lent and hyms for at Good Friday and vocals by the choir memebers of the churches St.George and St. Ephraim, in Aleppo (Syria). led by Nouri Iskander (without an instrumental guidance) 22:00
3.Ghada Sjbeir and Christian songs by the Syrian-orthodox traditions, recorded in 2002 at the Al-Bustan Festival in Prague (accompanied by the kanun) 48.29