Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

sun 10 jan 2021 12:00 hrs
Composer: Jacqueline Fontyn

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary. Producer and host: Patricia Werner Leanse. Works by Molly Pease, Betty Wishart, Jacqueline Fontyn [picture] and Susanna K. Wallrumød.


1. Molly Pease (California). From the cantata ‘Inner Astronomy’ (2020): From I to We, Higher Power and Tree Universal, for voice and strings.

2. Betty Wishart (North Carolina, 1947). From the CD ‘Moods’ (2020): Three Vibes (Blue, Quiescent, Ebullient).

3. Jacqueline Fontyn (Belgium, 1930) [picture]. Two orchestral works: Au fil des siecles (2002) & L’Anneau de jade (1996).

4. Susanna K. Wallumrød (Norway, 1979). The Forrester (2010), for soprano and theorbo.

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