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Roaming the Renaissance

sat 20 aug 2022 11:00 hrs

This issue is entirely devoted to Andreas Pevernage (1542/43-1591), a late and relatively unknown representative of the Franco-Flemish school.

Pevernage held the position of zangmeester (choirmaster) in several churches in Kortrijk, Bruges and Antwerp. He composed sacred works as well as chansons and madrigals.
The Utopia ensemble recorded a CD with examples of all three genres.

Andreas Pevernage (1542/43-1591)
1. Benedictio et claritas
2. Pater noster
3. Congratulamini mihi omnes
4. Laude pia Dominum
5. Osculatur me
6. Misericorde au povre vicieux
7. Las, me faut il
8. Susanne un jour
9. Tousjours l’amant
10. Deux que le trait d’Amour
11. Ces deux jeux bruns
12. Si dessus voz levres
13. La vita fugge
14. Quando la voce
15. Infinita beltà
16. Il dolce sonno
Utopia (see image)
(CD: “The Musical Universe of Andreas Pevernage – Chansons, motets, madrigals” – Ramée RAM2006, 2022)

Gregorio Huwet  (1550-ca. 1616)
17. Fantasia
Anthony Bailes, lute
(CD: “Lute Music of the Netherlands” – Carpe Diem CD-16289, 2012)

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