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sun 12 sep 2021 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 262: ORANGE

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Robert Takahashi Crouch – Firehouse I
An Occupied Space, 2011, Dragon’s Eye Recordings

2. Spheruleus – Memory 2
Absent Frames, 2021, WhiteLabRecs

3. Robert Takahashi Crouch – Firehouse II
An Occupied Space, 2011, Dragon’s Eye Recordings

4. Sascha Bachmann/HAND – ORANGE 2.0
CAA-45, 2021, Cyland

5. Planet Supreme – The Point of Everlasting Return
order of the star in the east/holy mountain, 2020, Databloem

6. Tomer Baruch – Streams
Subterranean Currents, 2018, Søvn Records

7. Matthias Peuch – Hollow
A Geography of Absence, 2021, Nahal Recordings

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