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sun 8 oct 2023 19:00 hour
Genre: Ambient
Composer: Lou Harrison

A musical serial. Episode 370: How To Navigate Through Social Anxiety In Three Easy Steps <!–more–>0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Enno Velthuys – Morning Glory
Landscapes in Thin Air, 1985/2022 Exart/Dead Mind Recordings

2. Viktor Sjöberg – When The Set Writes The Scene
Sometimes in Life the Set Writes the Scene, 2006, Kning Disk

3. Lou Harrison – Solo to Anthony Cirone
Christopher Whyte – Cold Stability, 2023, New Focus Recordings

4. Léa Boudreau – How To Navigate Through Social Anxiety in Three Easy Steps
Chaos Contrôlé, 2020, Mikroclimat

5. Francis Gri & Lilium – Time of Stability
Cycles, 2023, Krysalisound

6. David Parsons – Ajna
Chakra, 2019, gterma

7. Wayne Robert Thomas – Der Zauberer von Hamburg
Just a Few Ghosts, 2022, Wayne Robert Thomas

8. Mary Yalex – How Long Have You Been Away
Ohra, 2022, Muzan Editions

9. Sofie Birch – Hallu (feat. _iC_iC_)
Holotropica, 2022, Intercourse

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