Series Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Series Jordi Savall

thu 25 feb 2021 21:00 hrs

Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. In this episode, we’ll focus on the CD project ‘Le Royaume Oublié’ by Savall from 2009, part 2.

The three-part CD box (with extensive documentation) ‘Le Royaume Oublié’ is about the story of heretics, the Cathars or Albigensians in the south of France in the 12th and 13th century.
Jordi Savall strengthened his ensemble, Hespèrion XXI, with musicians from all corners of the world to perform all influences of the historical region of Occitanie, Le Pays d’Oc.
Today you’ll hear the sequel to the previous episode with the third CD of this release from 2009.

1 Fanfare

Peire Cardenal (approx. 1180 – approx.1278)
2 Clergue si fan pastor

3 Plainte instrumentale

Peire Cardenal
4 Un sirventes novel vueil comensar

Guilhem Montanhagol (fl. 1233-1268)
5 Del tot vey remaner valor

Anonymous (perhaps Rossi)
6 Planctus “Lavandose le mane”

Peire Cardenal
7 Tartarossa ni voutor

8 Audi pontus, audi tellus

Guiraut de Borneill (approx. 1138-1215)
9 No puese sofrir la dolor

10 Plainte instrumentale III

Anonymous / Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474)
11 Audi, benigne

Anonymous (XVth century)/ Jordi Savall
12 O crudele suplicium. Planctus

13 Taksim & makam-i Saba uşūleş Çenber
14 Plainte instrumental IV

Guillaume Dufay
15 O très piteulx de tout espoir fontaine

Ponç d’Ortafà (approx. 1170-1246)/Jordi Savall
16 Si ay perdut mon saber

La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hespèrion XXI conducted by Jordi Savall: Marc Mauillon, Lluis Vilamajó, Pascal Bertin, vocals. Montserrat Figueras, vocals, zither. Haïg Sarikouyomdijan, duduk. Nedyalko Nedyalkov, kaval, bells, percussion. Jordi Savall, viola. Philippe Pierlot, viola. Marc Klos, drum. Yurdal Tockan ud. Kudsi Erguner, ney. Hakan Güngör, kanun. Dimitris Psonis, santur. Derya Türkan, Istanboel Kemençe, Murat Salim Tokaç, tanbur. Pedro Estevan & Fahrettin Yarkin, percussion
(CD-box: Le Royaume Oublié, La croisade contre les Albigeois/La tragédie Cathare, CD3, AVSA 9873C, 2009)

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