Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 30 aug 2020 11:00 hrs

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CDs. Summer episode 5: new CDs with music of Beethoven, Buxtehude, Anet and an anonymous composer.

1. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
– Serenade for Flute and Fortepiano in D major Op. 41
Performing musicians: Tamie Krausz, transverse flute. Shuann Chai, fortepiano
(CD ‘Kühl, nicht lau’, brand Ramée, no. RAM 1903, 2020)


2. Jean-Jacques-Baptiste Anet (1676-1755)
– Sonata for Violin and Basso Continuo in C minor Op. 3, No.6 (1729)
Performing musicians: Szabolcs Illés, violin. Kinga Gáborjáni, cello. Fanni Edőcs, harpsichord
(CD ‘Les Forjerons’, brand Hungaraton, no. HCD 32754, 2020)


3. Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
– ‘Dixit Dominus’
4. Anonymous (17e eeuw)
– ‘Sonate a 3 viole da gamba’
Performing musicians: Maïlys de Villoutreys, soprano. La Rêveuse
(CD ‘Cantates pour voix seule’, brand Mirare, no. MIR 442, 2019)

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