Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 16 apr 2023 11:00 hour

Early music expert Kees Koudstaal presents you with the most beautiful and latest CDs of early and classical music. Today, Koudstaal pays attention to the new albums of Beauty Farm, Les Arts Florissants, Concerto Scirocco, Musical Humors, and Ensemble Leviathan.


  1. Jacobus Barbireau (ca. 1455-1491)
  • Motet: Osculetur me a 4 Performers: Beauty Farm (cd: ‘Barbireau Mass – Motets’, FraBernardo FB 2388771, 2023)


2. Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613)
a. From Book 5 of Madrigals: ‘Felicissimo sonno’
b. From Book 6 of Madrigals: ‘Volan quasi farfalla’
Performers: Les Arts Florissants conducted by Paul Agnew
(2CD: ‘Gesualdo – Complete Madrigali vol. 3’, Harmonia Mundi HAF 8905311.12, 2023)


3. Massimiliano Neri (ca. 1620-after 1670)
a. Sonata Seconda à 4, Opus 1
b. Sonata Terza à trè, Opus 2
Performers: Concerto Scirocco conducted by Giulia Genini
(cd: ‘Sonate da sonarsi con varij stromenti – Massimiliano Neri’, Arcana A544, 2023)


4. John Dowland (1563-1626)
a. Lachrimæ tristes
b. M. John Langtons Pavan
Performers: Musical Humors
(cd: ‘John Dowland – [Complete] Lachrimæ’, Alpha 944, 2023)


5. Pierre-Louis Pollio (1724-1796)
– First lesson of Jeremiah for Holy Saturday
Performers: Eugénie Lefebvre, soprano. Ensemble Leviathan conducted by Lucile Tessier
(cd: ‘Ténèbres & Abysses’, Château de Versailles CVS092, 2023)


6. Massimiliano Neri
– Sonata Seconda à trè, Opus 2
Performers: Concerto Scirocco conducted by Giulia Genini
(cd: see no. 3)

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