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The Wandering Microphone

fri 29 jan 2016 22:00 hrs

Folk music from the former Yugoslavia, part 1 (of 2).

Folk music from the various countries of Yugoslavia. Firstly, music from the southern region. The music comes from a few EP records which do not include commentary.

1. From Eastern Macedonia four songs sung by Dimitar Uzanski with the folk music instrumental ensemble of Pece Atanasovski.
EP: Jugoton EPY-44704.
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2. Singer Mirvet Belovska in some four songs, accompanied on instruments by een viertal liedjes die instrumentaal worden begeleid door het Ensemble Calgija from Skopje.
EP: RT|B 12750.
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3. From Macedonia, four folk dances played by two zurnas and   dansen gespeeld door twee zoernas en tapan by the Trio Majovci.
EP: Jugoton EPY-4323.
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4. Songs from Dragash, in the west of Macedonia. Sung by Smaïli Vebija and the Ensemble Dobrivoja Baskica.
EP: RTB EP 16259.
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5. Recordings of the Albanian population, who can be found in large parts of Eastern Macedonia, by the Ensemble Qamili i vogël from Dzjakovietsa.
EP Jugoton EPY-4212.
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6. Gypsy songs from the south of Kosovo, sung by Demirova Rasimova Mika accompanied by instrumentalists of the Ensemble Makedonski Kaval.
EP RTB EP 16273.  

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