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The Great American Songbook

sat 25 may 2024 16:00 hrs

Successful American jazz and light music of the 20th century, composed primarily for Broadway musicals, musical theatre and Hollywood films; compositions by Alec Wilder (1907-1980)

Alec Wilder composed not only a number of classical works but also some true standards, as well as a few songs that didn’t quite reach that status. This is undoubtedly because his compositions were often not as accessible, with distinctive melodic twists, compared to the majority of composers featured in the Great American Songbook.

In today’s episode: some lesser known but incredible songs.

1942 I’ll Be Around 

Mark Murphy

A Singin’, Swingin”  John Dankworth alto sax.

1940 Give Me Time

Ruth Cameron

Road House Brad Mehldau p, Charlie Haden Larance Marabl

Moon And Sand

Tessa Souter

Night Of Key Largo  Kenny Werner p  Jay Leonhart bs Billy Drummond drs Romero Lubambo gt Joel Frahm ten

It’s So Peaceful In The Country

Meredith D’Ambrosia

Another Time  Meredith D’Ambrosio p.

While We’re Young

Isabella Lundgren

Somehow Life Got in The Way  Nordic Chamber Orchestra  arr. Mats Hälling Carl Bagge p

Trouble is A Man

Ernestine Anderson

My Kinda Swing Ernie Royal trp Hank Jones p   arr Ernie Wilkins

The Winter of My Discontent

Norma Winstone 

Amoroso…Only More So  Stan Tracey trio Bobby Wellins ten.

The Lady Sings The Blues

Marlene Verplanck 

Marlene Verplanck Sings Alec Wilder

Blackberry Winter

Marlena Shaw 

Dangerous   David Hazeltine p

Lovers and Losers

Soesja Citroen

Songs For Lovers and Losers Louis van Dijk p Hein vande Geyn bs  Ack van Rooyen fgh

South To A Warmer Place  

Jim Ferguson

Not Just Another Pretty Bass Jim Ferguson bs Chris Potter ten  Pat Coil p

I’ll Be Around

7 x Wilder  The Bob Brookmeyer 4

Bob Brookmeyer valve trb/p Jim Hall gt Bill Crow bs  Mel Lewis drs

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