The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

wed 23 jun 2021 19:00 hrs

1921 -3

This broadcast features music that was composed precisely one century ago. This time, all music originates from Russia. You will hear work from Dmitri Shostakovich’s youth and three pieces by Igor Stravinsky.



  1. Sergei Prokofiev: from 5 poems by Balmont, Op. 36, No. 2-5. Carole Farley, soprano; Arkady Aronov, piano
  2. Dmitri Shostakovich: Variations for Orchestra, Op. 3. USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky
  3. Igor Stravinsky: Suite for small orchestra No. 2. Ensemble Intercontemporain conducted by Pierre Boulez
  4. Igor Stravinsky; Les cinq doigts. Elena Kuschnerova, piano
  5. Igor Stravinsky: Trois mouvements de Petrushka. Maurizio Pollini, piano
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