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The Musician

thu 1 feb 2018 14:00 hrs

Music for Leisure

Collegium Musicum Amsterdam conducted by Anthony Zielhorst gave a concert in the series Couleur Vocale on Sunday 24 September 2017 in the Nieuwe Waalse Kerk with the following theme ‘Sweelinck: Calvinist or Catholic’.


Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)

1. Psalm 109: O Dieu, mon honneur et ma gloire

2. Psalm 23: Mon Dieu me paist

3. Echo fantasy in the Dorian mode SwV 261

4. Psalm 129: De Profundis clamavi

5. Psalm 116: J’ayme mon Dieu

6. Variations on Psalm 116 SwV 313

7. Psalm 51: Misericorde au povre vicieux

8. Motet: Beati pauperes spiritu

9. Variations on Est-ce Mars SwV 261

10. Psalm 150: Or soit loué l’Eternel

Collegium Musicum Amsterdam conducted by Anthony Zielhorst.
Jos van der Kooy, organ.

Concertzender recording 24 September 2017, the Nieuwe Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam.
Technique: Wijnand de Groot.


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