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The Musician

thu 8 feb 2018 14:00 hrs

Music for Leisure.

City Bells, three generations of music from Tilburg. In 2016 the Tilburg carillon existed for 50 years. The season 2016-2017 was dedicated to this jubilee, but it also became the year of death for composer Jan van Dijk. He devoted himself to the music life in Tilburg for almost a century, and especially to the carillon. With this concert the Stichting Vrienden van de Tilburgse Beiaard wishes to honour Jan van Dijk, and they invited the Koninklijke Harmonie Orpheus for that reason. They play together with the carillon work of different composers from Tilburg.


1. Jos Kessels – Fête Sicilienne

Koninklijke Harmonie Orpheus conducted by Hardy Mertens


2. Jan van Dijk (1918-2016) – Concertino (1982)

Koninklijke Harmonie Orpheus conducted by Hardy Mertens. Carl van Eyndhoven, carillon


3. Henk Stoop (1943) – Septimus

Tilburgs blaastrio F3: Hans Sparla, trombone. Ruud Bouman, trumpet. Paul Hoogenboom, clarinet. Carl van Eyndhoven, carillon


4. Jan van Dijk – Ballad (1983).
5. Jan van Dijk – Scherzo (1983)

Koninklijke Harmonie Orpheus conducted by Hardy Mertens. Carl van Eyndhoven, carillon


6. Matthias van Nispen tot Pannerden (1981) – Squirrel Monkey (2004)

Koninklijke Harmonie Orpheus conducted by Hardy Mertens


Concertzender recording 07 October 2017, Factorium Tilburg.
Technique: Theo van Soest


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