The Night: Early Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Night: Early Music

Works by Isaac [see image], Purcell, Hummel, Telemann & Bach.


03:00 Heinrich Isaac (ca. 1450-1517).
Missa Misericordias Domini.
Cantica Symphonia conducted by Giuseppe Maletto.

04:00 Henry Purcell. Sonatas in Three Parts.
The King’s Consort.

05:00 Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
Grand Sonata in C, opus 37a, for mandolin and piano.
Alon Sariel, mandolin. Michael Tsalka, fortepiano.

05:10 Georg Philipp Telemann. Recorder Sonatinas:
1. Sonatina in A.   2. Sonatina in C.   3. Sonatina in F.
Erik Bosgraaf, recorder. Francesco Corti, harpsichord.

05:35 Johann Sebastian Bach.
1. Cantata: Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, BWV 63.
2. Magnificat in E-flat major, BWV 243a.
Julia Doyle & Joanne Lunn, soprano. Clare Wilkinson, mezzo-soprano. Nicholas Mulroy, tenor. Matthew Brook, bass-baritone. Dunedin Consort conducted by John Butt.

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