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The Night: World Music

sat 21 dec 2024 01:00 hrs

The Night : World. International musicians produced by Cobie Ivens.
1.Tamar Ilana & Ventanas – 2.Carmen Souza –  3.Archibald Joyce – 4.Willem Duys – 5.Cocoliche Trio – 6.shunTA! – 7.Charles Aznavour.

1- Tamar Ilana & Ventanas.
This album reflects on the various freedoms that humanity experiences or yearns for: the freedom to sing, to dance, to express our many identities and to be accepted for it. The freedom to be ourselves, to speak our languages, to compose, to perform, to work and collaborate – or to choose not to. To celebrate or to forsake, to participate in public or political life, to fall in love or not, to marry or not, to have children or not and to live on the land, especially our ancestral lands. It is about accepting each other. Together we navigate this life and this world, and together we must help each other be free. CD. Azaki – Tamar Ilana & Ventanas. VIDEO
LABEL: Distributie: LulaWorld Records. Thanks to: Dan Rosenberg.

2- Carmen Souza.
Port’Inglês reveals stories from the years of British presence in Cape Verde and the struggle for decolonization under Portugal. For Carmen Souza, this is a deeply personal journey exploring her roots while investigating what alchemy can be created from the dust of pain, loss and chaos of this colonized period. It is also a celebration of Cape Verdean identity with jazz waltzes of freedom, traditional Cape Verdean rhythms and English folk-inspired sea shanties.
Port’Inglês – Carmen Souza. VIDEO  LABEL: Galileo MC (2024), code: GMC108.

3- Archibald Joyce.
Archibald Joyce’s waltzes made him famous. Dreaming, Songe d’automne and A thousand kisses – these are the cornerstones of this Marco Polo collection. Most of the pieces here are in waltz time, with only a few in other tempos. Archibald Joyce was born in London in May 1873. His father served in the Grenadier Guards as a sergeant in the band. He showed his musical talents early, singing in a church choir in Paddington and learning the violin and piano. His first known composition, completed at the age of 11, was a march that was performed several times. He began his professional career as a pianist at the Oxford Music Hall in London, but soon began playing for the ballet, notably Katti Lanner’s company with Madame Genée as the leading ballerina.
Orchestral works – Archibald Joyce. VIDEO
LABEL: Marco Polo (1995), code: 8.223694.

4- Music Mosaic by Willem Duys.
The radio program Muziek Mozaïek, presented by Willem Duys, had its first broadcast in October 1962. Since then, he could be heard every Sunday morning with this program for almost 37 years. On June 27, 1999, Willem Duys climbed behind the microphone for the last time to start his program with Goedemorgen Lieve Luisteraars! Winged terms such as ‘my good friend’ were regularly used in his announcements. This album, compiled by himself, contains the best of 35 years of Muziek Mozaiek with songs by Conny Stuart, Brigitte Bardot, Toots Tielemans, Yves Montand, Jules de Corte, Tony Bennett and Rogier van Otterlo.
CD. 35 jaar Muziek Mozaiek – Willem Duys. VIDEO
LABEL: Quintessence (1997), code: QS 900.3372.

5-  Cocoliche Trio.
A trio that combines diverse musical backgrounds, united by a passion for Latin American music and jazz. Their unique, captivating style blends rhythms of Afro-South American music with dreamy melodies and harmonies of tango and jazz, creating a very personal and distinctive musical experience. The name Cocoliche is inspired by a linguistic phenomenon from Buenos Aires in the early 20th century, where Italian immigrants and Argentinian locals created a hybrid language. This cultural fusion is at the heart of Cocoliche’s music, making their music a vibrant, intercultural journey.
CD. Cabernet – Cocoliche Trio. VIDEO

6- shunTA!
An explosion of intense Balkan sound is created by musicians connected through music. shunTA! deliver Roma and Eastern European folk melodies. Their 9-piece band consists of a horn section, string section, piano and drums. shunTA! have conquered the festival circuit, selling out the London Jamboree and supporting major international Balkan bands including the iconic Romanian band Fanfare Ciocarlia. Now At the Kafana dance wild whirlwinds of emotion through traditional gypsy songs, weaving tales of fateful fates as they glide through time.
CD. At The Kafana – shunTA! – VIDEO  LABEL: Rakia Records (6-12-2024).

7- Charles Aznavour.
The world’s most famous French chansonnier was born in Paris in 1924 as the son of Armenian immigrants. At a young age, Charles Aznavour entered the world of film, theatre and nightclubs, where he soon gained some recognition as a songwriter. Maurice Chevalier and Edith Piaf sang his works and encouraged the young man to start singing himself. However, the French did not immediately warm to the bon vivant and his acting career also did not take off. It was not until the end of the fifties that the tide turned. He then appeared in films such as Tirez Sur Le Pianiste and appeared on stage alongside greats such as Frank Sinatra and Liza Minnelli. With French and English hits such as La Mamma, The Old Fashioned Way and She, Aznavour can look back on a long and extremely fruitful career.
CD. Rarities – Charles Aznavour. VIDEO  LABEL: Universal (2015), code: 4752458.

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