The Palace of Nostalgia | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Palace of Nostalgia

sat 20 mar 2021 20:00 hour
Composer: Frank Sinatra

Jazz, blues, and nostalgia, by Sjaak Roodenburg.

Roses & Thorns in The Palace of Nostalgia

A rose, is a rose, is a rose. As a wise person said: “some people complain about a rose’s thorns; I am grateful for the thorns of a rose.” With: a young June Christy (“Robins and roses”), how roses of a poor person have more meaning than the gold of a rich person (Patsy Cline), Zarah Leander (‘Du darfst mir nie mehr rote Rosen schenken’), the wonderful falsetto singer Tiny Tim (“When you look in the heart of a rose”), the old tango orchestra of Ludwig Rüth (‘Keine Rosen ohne Dornen’), Tom Manders, the Belgian singing baroness Annie Cordy (’Six roses’), the Kilima Hawaiians (‘Moonlight and roses’), the Modern Jazz Quartet, Bobby Darin, Sonny Criss, Frank Sinatra, Ted Weems, Doris Day, and, if time permits, lots of more roses on the repertoire.

Produced & presented by:
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