The Palace of Nostalgia | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Palace of Nostalgia

Jazz, blues and nostalgia, by Sjaak Roodenburg.

Featuring: “The world’s greatest drummer” Buddy Rich in a remarkable vocal role (his mentor had been Frank Sinatra when they worked in the Tommy Dorsey band).

Also noteworthy is a duet by Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald for a film that was never completed (“Necessity”).

Wim Sonneveld with one of the highlights from his magnificent 1964 program “An evening with…”.

From the epicenter of melancholy: Jo Stafford (“There is no you”) and the Krontjong Band Indische Club Amsterdam (“Bintang Betawi”). And from the same heaven of melancholy, Charles Aznavour (“Tu t’laisses aller”).

There are also French roots with Corry Brokken, whose “Le vent et la jeunesse” turned into “Je doet me denken aan de wind”.

And from la Brokken, because she could be such a formidable singer, also the adaptation of an Irving Berlin song: “You can have him” which became “Hou je van ‘m?”.

Harmonica virtuoso Larry Adler with music from “Casablanca”, Susannah McCorkle (“It’s all right with me”), from the thirties: Enric Madriguera and his Hotel Biltmore Orchestra (“Let’s have another cup of coffee”).

The Hot Club de France quintet, a bossa nova by trumpeter Charlie Shavers; Lester Young with Buddy Rich and Nat King Cole (“I cover the waterfront”).

Produced & presented by:
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