The wayward Prokofiev | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The wayward Prokofiev

sun 11 jul 2021 15:00 hour

The wayward Prokofiev.

Every fortnight, “The wayward Prokofiev” devotes one hour to the life and work of Russian 20th-century composer Sergei Prokofiev, undoubtedly one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. Today, Prokofiev’s first (successful) opera, a lyrical work for voice and piano for a change, and some musical paintings by his peer Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

This episode features:

  S. Prokofiev.   The Gambler Op. 24 (1917).     St. Petersburg Mariinsky theatre orchestra and the Kirov Opera Choir, conducted by Valerie Gergiev with Sergei Alksashkin, Ljuba Kazarnovskaya, Vladimir Galusin, Elena Obraztsova and Nikolai Gassiev.

  • S. Prokofiev. Songs for voice and piano Op. 27 No. 1-5 (1916) “Five Poems after Akhmatova” Margarita Gritskova (mezzo-soprano) and Maria Prinz (piano)
  • M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Musical Paintings Op. 56 No. 1-3 1925.  Slovakian Symphony Orchestra conducted by Donald Johanos.   
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