The wayward Prokofiev | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The wayward Prokofiev

tue 21 feb 2023 22:00 hour

The Wayward Prokofiev #51. Every two weeks, one hour is dedicated to the life and work of the Russian 20th-century composer Sergei Prokofiev, undoubtedly one of the greatest composers of the 20th century.


Today you can listen to: the second act of Semyon Kotko and the cantata he wrote, to Stalin’s taste, for Stalin’s 60th birthday in late 1939.

– Sergei Prokofiev. Semyon Kotko op. 81 (1939) second act, St. Petersburg Marrinski Theater Orchestra/Kirov Opera Chorus conducted by Valery Gergiev with Viktor Lutsiuk, Ludmilla Filatova, Olga Savova, Yevgeny Nikitin, and Gennady Bezzubenkov.

– Sergei Prokofiev. Zdravitsa op. 85 (hail to Stalin) (1939). State Symphony Orchestra of the USSR and the Yurlov State Academic Choir conducted by Evgeni Svetlanov.

РPaul Hindemith. Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1939) parts 1-2. Simon H̦fele (trumpet) and Elisabeth Brauss (piano).

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