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wed 31 dec 2008 15:30 hrs

Christmas music from the 19th century.

  1. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Vom Himmel Hoch, Choralkantate über Luthers Weihnachtslied. Ute Selbig, soprano. Egbert Junghanns, baritone. Dresdner Kreuzchor. Dresdner Philharmonie conducted by Martin Flämig.
2. Joseph Eybler. Kerstoratorium ‘Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu Bethlehem’. Sabine Ritterbusch, soprano. Waltraud Hoffmann-Mucher, alto. Harry van Berne, tenor. Jelle Draijer, bass. Alsfelder Vokalensemble. Bremer Domchor. I Febiarmonici conducted by Wolfgang Helbich.
3. P. von Brachel. Vom Himmel hoch, o Englein kommt. Thomanerchor Leipzig conducted by Hans-Joachim Rotzsch.

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