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CZ Hollandia II: the 90s.

The Concertzender is 40 years old. In all those years, we have always consistently promoted Dutch contemporary music. In three special Theme broadcasts, the spotlight is on CZ Hollandia’s top performances. In other words, the finest highlights from the catalogue of Dutch contemporary music. In addition to some national favourites, we will also feature modern music from Dutch soil worth rediscovering. From beautiful classics to brilliant, forgotten gems. In this Theme broadcast we will highlight the 90s. A time in which composers fearlessly embraced sonic beauty and tonality, but celebrated individuality and experimentation at the same time. So, we couldn’t very well fail to give this extremely colourful decade some exposure. More than ever, composers firmly reconnected with audiences. You will hear music by Simeon ten Holt, Jacob ter Veldhuis, Ton Bruynèl, Paul Termos and Joep Franssens.



  1. Simeon ten Holt: ‘Soloduiveldans III’ (1990), for piano, from Polo de Haas – Simeon Ten Holt. Polo de Haas (piano) Clavicenter PDH 250901 CD
  2. Jacob ter Veldhuis: ‘May This Bliss Never End’ (1996), for ghettoblaster, cello and piano, from Jacob ter Veldhuis – Heartbreakers. Duo René Berman (cello) + Kees Wieringa (piano). Emergo Classics EC 3920-2 CD

  3-4. Jacob ter Veldhuis: ‘String Quartet No. 3: “There must be some way out of here’ (1994), for string quartet, from Jacob TV – Suites of Lux. The Netherlands Quartet. Basta 3091752 CD

  1. Paul Termos: ‘1991’ (1991), for tenor saxophone, piano and percussion, from Paul Termos – Works. Ensemble Loos. X-OR CD 010 CD
  2. Joep Franssens: ‘Harmony of the Spheres, part 1’ (1994), for choir, from Joep Franssens – Works for Orchestra & Choir. Netherlands Chamber Choir conducted by Tonu Kaljuste. Etcetera KTC 1321 CD
  3. Joep Franssens: ‘Sanctus’ (1996) for orchestra, from Joep Franssens – Echo’s-Phasing-Sanctus. Dutch Ballet Orchestra conducted by Thierry Fischer. Donemus CV65 CD
  4. Ton Bruynèl: ‘Cours des nuages’ (1998-1999), for string orchestra + soundtracks, from Ton Bruynèl – Looking Ears Complete. Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mark Foster. MuziekGroep Nederland CV NEAR 12 Cd-box


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