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Through the night

fri 27 feb 2015 01:00 hour

Works by Lord, Wood, Andreae, Penderecki, Dohnanyi & Kilar.

01:00 Jon Lord. 1. To notice such things.2. Evening song. 3. For example.
4. Air on the blue string. 5. Afterwards.
Jeremy Irons, recitant (Afterwards). Cormac Henry, fluit. Jon Lord, piano. 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra led by Clark Rundell.
01:55 Hugh Wood Chamber music:
1. Ouverture, opus 48, for piano trio. 
2. Variations, opus 1.
3. Paraphrase on ‘Bird of Paradise’, opus 26.
4. Poem, opus 35. 
5. Clarinet trio, opus 40.
6. Piano trio, opus 24. 
Roger Heaton, clarinet. Paul Silverthorne, viola. The London Archduke Trio.
03:15 Volkmar Andreae (1879 – 1962)
1. String quartet nr. 2 in E, opus 33.
2. Flute quartet, opus 43.
3. String quartet nr. 1 in Bes, opus 9. 
The Locrian Ensemble of London.
04:30 Krzysztof Penderecki
1. Violin concert (1977). 
2. Horn concert ‘Winterreise’, (2008).
Robert Kabara, violin. Radovan Vlatkovic, horn.
Sinfonietta Cracovia led by Krzysztof Penderecki.
05:30 Ernö von Dohnanyi
1. Piano concert nr. 1, opus 5.
2. Piano concert nr. 2, opus 42. 
Howard Shelley, piano. BBC Philharmonic led by Matthias Bamert. 
06:45 Wojciech Kilar Krzesany
Sinfonia Varsovia led by Jerzy Maksymiuk.

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