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Through the night

Works by Duphly, Capuana, Rubino, Ursula Bagdasarjanz, Mozart, Handel, Nardini, Dutilleux, Mandyczewski & Leo Smit (1900-1943).

00:00 Jacques Duphly. 
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin (1756).
Pieter-Jan Belder, harpsichord. With Rie Kimura, violin.
00:55 Two requiems:
a. Mario Capuana ( ?  – ca. 1646/47). Messe di Defonti à quattro voci (1650). b. Bonaventura Rubino (1600-1668). Messa di Morti à cinque concertata (1653).
Choeur de Chambre de Namur led by Leonardo Garcia Alarcón.
02:00 Ursula Bagdasarjanz. Sept Poésies, for violin and piano, alternated with works by Mozart, Handel and Nardini.
Melanie di Cristino, violin.
Ursula Bagdasarjanz, piano.
02:55 Henri Dutilleux. 
a. Métaboles. b. Sur le même accord, for violin and orchestra. c. Symphony no. 1. 
Orchestre de Paris led by Paavo Järvi. 
With Christian Tetzlaff, violin.
03:50    Mikolai Zielenski (approx. 1550 – ca. 1615). Ortus de Polonia.
Les Traversées Baroques led by Etienne Meyer.
04:50 Eusebius Mandyczewski (1857-1929). 
Songs on texts of Friedrich Rückert: a. Wasserstille. b. Frühlingslockung.
Dénise Beck, soprano. Christina Baader, mezzo-soprano. Gert Hecher, piano. Ilia Korol, violin. 
05:00 Chamber music by Leo Smit (1900-1943)
a. Trio. b. Piano Suite. c. Flute Sonata. d. Deux Hommages. e. String Quartet.
Leo Smit Ensemble.
05:45 Orchestra works by Leo Smit (1900-1943)
a. The Slow Motion Film. b. Viola Cconcert. 
c. Cello Concertino. d. Sonata Concertante, orch. Willem Strietman. e. Symphony in C.
Soloists. Radio Chamber Orchestra led by Philippe Entremont & Lucas Vis.

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