Through the Night | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Through the Night

Works by Fasch, Jiranek, Bach, Beethoven, Lyapunov & Anne van Schothorst.

00:00 Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688–1758).
Concerts and Suites.
Accademia Bach Baroque Orchestra
led by Carlos Gubert.
01:00 Frantisek Jiranek (1698–1778).
With Fagotconcert in g & Sinfonia in F.
Sergio Azzolini, baroque bassoon. Marina Katarzhnova, baroque violin. Jena Semeradova, transverse flute.
Collegium Marianum led by Jana Semeradova.
02:00 Johann Sebastian Bach.
1. Orchestra suite no. 3 in D, BWV 1068.
2. Harpsichord concert in f, BWV 1056.
3. Brandenburgs Concert no. 6 in Bes, BWV 1051.
4. Concert for 3 harpsichords in d, BWV 1063.
Cafe Zimmermann.
03:00 Ludwig van Beethoven.
1. String quartet in C, opus 59 no. 3.
2. String quintet in C, opus 29.
Kuijken Quartet, with Marleen Thiers, viola 2.
04:00 Sergei Mikhailovitsdj Lyapunov.
1. Piano concert no. 1 in es, opus 4.
2. Piano concert no. 2 in E, opus 38.
3. Rhapsody on Ukrainian themes, opus 28.
Shorena Tsintsabadze, piano.
Russisch Filharmonisch Orkest (Russian Philharmonic Orchestra) led by Dmitri Yablonski.
05:00 Anne van Schothorst.
I am a dreamer, harp improvisations.
Anne van Schothorst, harp.

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