Wandering through the Renaissance | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Wandering through the Renaissance

Programme with Renaissance music. Spanish and French music from the Renaissance.

1. Joan Ambrozio Dalza.
– Calta alla Spagnola.
Luyz de Narvàez.
– Fantasía del cuarto tono.
– Chaconna ytaliana: Sencilla pastora.
Juan Arañes.
– Chacona: Un sarao de la chacona.
Piffaro, the Renaissance Band led by Joan Kimball and Robert Wiemken.
2. François Regnard.
Three chansons to poetry by Ronsard.
– Heureux ennuie.
– Contre mon gré.
– Mon triste coeur.
Ensemble Clément Janequin led by Dominique Visse.
3. Domenico da Piacenza.
– Ballo La Giloxia.
Antonio Allamanni.
– Caro della morte.
– Pavane La forze d’Hercole & Saltarello Giorgio.
Josquin Desprez.
– El Grillo.
Ensemble Unicorn led by Michael Posch.
4. Ortega?
– Puesque me tienes, Miguel.
– Alli in Midbar.
– Canario.
Alonso Mudarra.
– Recuerde el alma dormida.
Piffaro, the Renaissance Band led by Joan Kimball and Robert Wiemken.
5. Guillaume Boni.
– Ha, bel accueil.
Jean de Castro.
– De peu de bien.
Ensemble Clément Janequin led by Dominique Visse.
6. Anonymus.
– Paduana & Galliarda.
Marchetto Cara.
– Non e tempo.
– Pastorella.
– L’altr’hier de la mia villa.
Ensemble Unicorn led by Michael Posch.

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