Czech minerals.
In general this music is an eclectic mix with Czech roots. But even influences of non-existing countries can be one of the ingredients.
CD Indies Scope 2008, promo
1. Miri pirani – TERNE CHAVE
2. Nunovo tango – DVA
3. Benga Beating –
4. Zuha – CANKISOU
5. Podzimni – KOA
6. Le Corsaire – BRAN
7. Cirkus – KVETY
8. Bricka – KALI CERCHEN
9. Makwerere – ZUZANA NOVAK
CD Czech the music, coulours promotion. promo
10. Romana Hip hop –
11. Harampa Rija – CANKISOU
12. Neber sobe – Czechhomor
13. No vsetine páni – Czechhomor
14. V kuzelove halenkaré – Njorek
15. Tak to mám rád – Traband – Reprezent (2008). Indies Scope Records
16. Na ciganske svatbe