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World Music News

wed 4 feb 2009 11:00 hour

This month a concert by Homayun Sakhi, Ceumar and Wilma Paalman at the Tropen Theatre in Amsterdam.

This month, there are three concerts at theĀ  Tropentheater in Amsterdam that we want to pay extra attention to. We’re talking about the Music World Series in February. On 5 February Wilma Paalman paints sounds with her voice, cello and accordion. On 7 February, Brazilian singer Ceumar gives a performance together with the Mike del Ferro Trio. On 13 February, there is a very special concert by the Afghan rebab player Homayun Sakhi. Afghanistan has an impressive classical music tradition that unfortunately has sustained considerable damage over the past twenty years. Homayun Sakhi is a gifted rebab player, and one of the few people that ensures preservation and development of the Afghan music tradition. Homayun Sakhi is accompanied on tabla.

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