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Northern Lights

wed 17 apr 2024 12:00 CET

Northern Lights: Scandinavian and Baltic music

During Northern Lights we focus our attention on Scandinavian and Baltic music for one hour every two weeks. There are no boundaries to our search, we delve into both the old and new, the familiar and the lesser-known, gladly exploring the entire spectrum of classical music and cross-overs. In today’s episode: Finnish piano music and Icelandic poems set to music.

This episode will feature:

  • Selim Palmgren. Impromptus for piano no. 1-4, op. 63 (1918) Jouni Somero (piano).
  • Viktor Orri Árnason. Poems (2023). Álfheidur Erla Guðmundsdóttir (vocals) Viktor Orri Árnason  (piano, violin, viola, electronica) Reykjavik Orchestra conducted by Viktor Orri Árnason.




Ord og draumar


Til kvaedagydjunnar

Ljóssins knörr

Líkaminn er þaninn fidlustrengur

Jördin bídur

Handan vid haf



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