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Bach ad Infinitum Episode 400

thu 22 sep 2016

On Friday 23rd September at 13.00  it’s the 400th edition of Bach ad Infinitum! After the the Bach favourites of programme maker Govert Jan Bach, presenter Joop van Zijl and coördinator Irene Stolp this time it’s the turn of the editor of our Bach programme.

Harry Potter

He says: “It’s always a special performance, recording another week’s Bach ad Infinitum in the studio of the Concertzender on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht, carefully hidden away behind the facade of  Theater Kikker.

The makers  of Bach ad Infinitum come in unnoticed to the building. Benno Wormgoor, always first on Thursday, because he has a lot to do before he can make the recording in the afternoon of another Bach ad Infinitum. Irene Stolp, coördinator Early Music, always a busy day for her at the Concertzender.

And shortly after the lunchbreak the faces of Govert Jan Bach and Joop van Zijl appear. Just as though in a Harry Potter story they’re sitting on a station between 2 platforms and walk through a wall, the main characters disappear through the hidden door.
The well-kept secret is only betrayed by a tiny sticker next to the bell. We’re here at the Concertzender.

Fellowship of Bach
I don’t normally take part in this performance as I’m only involved in the last part of the process, editing the programmes. I get the text Joop van Zijl has recorded as only he can. Then with the music which I later get from Govert Jan Bach , I put together the episode.

We’ve made 400 editions this way. It’s a pretty intensive process, each time with different deadlines. Sometimes that feels like a lot of pressure. But it’s also very special that each time we manage to make a nice programme, a dynamic process. And a privilege to do it together, as a sort of ‘Fellowship of Bach’.

Yes and Bach
This time I’m present. Since we’ve arrived at the 400th episode of Bach ad Infinitum, programme maker Govert Jan Bach thought it would be nice for Joop van Zijl to put me on the spot. Who is this mysterious editor? What is his link between symphonic rockband Yes and the work of Bach? Where do he and Joop know each other from ?

Alright, on the occasion of the 400th episode of Bach ad Infinitum I get to put the programme together myself. Just listen…”


  • Friday 23rd September 2016, 13.00 – 14.00
  • Friday 30th September 2016, 13.00 – 14.00