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Contest : The Night/Jazz about the repertoire of Bart Flos

fri 30 apr 2021
Theme: Jazz

Since last February, Concertzender has a weekly jazz night again. Jordy de Muijnk digs through his collection every Tuesday from 12 to 7 am. On Tuesday 4 May, the entire programme will be about Dutch pianist Bart Flos. Flos has been regularly releasing his own works under the name Next Step Projects since the year 2000. In The Night: Jazz, we will broadcast some of these early releases in full. After that, we will play the last part of this series, which was released in 2019.

On behalf of Bart, we will give away some copies of this last part titled Roots & Reflections to some of you. This 3CD-set contains a suite for solo piano, trio, and a bonus CD with alternate takes on these works. To get your hands on one of the copies, we ask you to provide us with the correct answer to the question: how many volumes of Next Step Projects has Bart Flos released so far? Send your response to Concertzender prijsvraag before 20 May, and you may be a lucky winner!