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Chronicle of Dutch Music

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

This time in Chronicle of Dutch Music we are featuring music by composers who were in high demand in the Felix Meritis concert hall in Amsterdam at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but who have now largely been forgotten. You will be listening to works by Ignaz Pleyel, François Devienne, Bernhard Molique, Andreas Romberg and Alfredo Piatti.















Pages from the minutes book of the secretary of Felix Meritis, 1795,
with the programme of the fourth and fifth concert evening [picture: Henk Hylkema].

1. Ignaz Pleyel (1757-1831). Concerto voor bassoon orchestra in B flat major.Matthias Racz, bassoon.
Camarata Pro Musica conducted by Paul Weigold.

2. François Devienne (1759-1803). Flute concerto no. 10 in D major.
Patrick Gallois, flute. Swedish Chamber Orchestra.

3. Bernhard Molique (1802-1869). Piano quartet in E flat major, opus 71. Parnassus Academy.

4. Andreas Romberg (1767-1821). Violin concerto no. 12 in G major.
Chouchane Siranossian, violin. Barockorchester Capriccio Basel. 

5. Alfredo Piatti (1822-1901). Capriccios voor cello nos. 1, 3 & 9.
Joachim Eijlander, cello.


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