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Concertzender Live

mon 7 jan 2019 20:00 hrs

Concertzender Live  – November Music 2018 #1.
The first of twelve episodes with recordings from November Music 2018. Today you will hear two solo concerts performed at Het Cenakel in Tilburg. First, a programme with many premieres from saxophone player Tom Sanderman. After that, a concert from piano player Vivian Choi with music from Kate Moore and Unsuk Chin.

   Tom Sanderman: saxophone.

1. Louis Andriessen. Speech (1979/2018). 3:12
Tom Sanderman: voice, tenor saxophone.
2. Anthony Fiumara. Solo for Saxophone (2009/18). 6:20
Tom Sanderman: tenor saxophone, percussion.
3. Remy Alexander. Sleeping Water (2018). 11:30
Tom Sanderman: soprano saxophone with digital delay.
4. Kate Moore. Whoever you are come forth (2010/18). 5:12
Tom Sanderman: tenor saxophone.
5. Aart Strootman. Floating points on a fixed monorail (2018). 12:42
6. Anthony Fiumara. Redshift (2018). 9:15
Tom Sanderman: soprano saxophone with digital delay.
Live recordings by Kees van de Wiel on 4-12-2018 at Het Cenakel in Tilburg.

    Vivian Choi: piano.

7. Kate Moore. Spin Bird (2008). 3:25
8. Unsuk Chin. Etude No. 1 in C (1999/2003). 3:59
9. Kate Moore. Bloodmoon October (2014). 12:30
10. Unsuck Chin. Etude No. 4 Scalen (1995/2003). 4:22
11. Kate Moore. Bestiary (2016). 14:11
12. Unsuck Chin. Etude No. 6 Grains (2000). 4:47
13. Unsuck Chin. Etude No. 2 Sequenzen (1995/2003). 3:46
14. Kate Moore. Lucidity – Eyes of Hands (2018). 17:35
Vivian Choi: piano.
Live recordings by Kees van de Wiel on 6-11-2018 at Het Cenakel in Tilburg

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