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Orient Express

sat 2 feb 2019 01:00 hrs
Genre: Middle Eastern
Composer: Traditional

Traditional classical Arabic music  in maqàm Hijaz/Hijazkar

This episode of the program features traditional Arabic music in maqàm Hijaz (aka Hidjaz, Higaz in Egypt and Hicaz in Turkish). You can listen to previous episodes dedicated to Arabic (Especially Egyptian) interpretations of classical Middle Eastern musical modes (maqam’s) by clicking herehere , here and here. Hijaz is one of the main 7 (or 8) musical modes in Middle Eastern Arabic tradition and is popular in both classic, religious and  pop music. Find some musical info about it here in maqamworld website.

Playlist and info :

1- Intro:  Mouwashshah Salla Fina Al Lahza Hindiyya (Trad.) En Chordais ‎CD Beirut Music Ensemble (music of Sayed Darwish).

Sabri Moudallal ‎– Chants D’Alep CD Institut Du Monde Arabe ‎– 321001 1999: (Part of) wasla Hijaz :

2- Mouwashshah ‘Unq Al-Malîh                                   05:32
3- Instrumental Improvisation (Taqasim) on Qanun 00:51
4- Vocal improvisation “Layâlî”                                      04:20
5- Sung Poem (Qasîda) : Yâ Sâkinîn Bi-Qalbî              05:11


Ensemble Al-Kindî, Omar Sarmini ‎– Les Croisades (Arab Music From The Time Of The Crusaders) Le Chant Du Monde ‎– 274 1118.19 CD (recorded January 20-26th 2001) (part of) Wasla Higaz:

6- Mouwashshah: Fika Koull Ma Ara hasan 10/4: (All That Is Beautiful Is Within You) : 3:54
7- Instrumental improvisation (Taqsim Nay Flute) by Ziad Kadi Amin :                            4:20
8- Mouwashshah: Ma Ihtiyali 9/8: (What trick Can I Employ) :                                           6:56


Saleh Abd al-Ḥayy and Egyptian ensemble recording ( recorded Cairo 1952 ) :             27:30
9- Suite in Maqam Higaz kar (Wasla Higaz kar) including instrumental improvisations (Taqasim), Instrumental classical compostion:Sama’i shadd ‘araban by Tanburi Cemil Bey and classical Egyptan vocal dor: “Yama inta waheshni” (How much do i miss you !) by Mohamed Othman (1855-1900).

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